Simon Kong

VP, Advisory Services - Asia Pacific

Years' Experience

Simon is passionate about helping companies solve complex problems and attain business goals

Simon’s Perspective

When considering a change, start with WHY. When pondering where to go next, recall WHY you started the journey in the first place. After completing the change, reconcile the results with WHY you wanted the change. Knowing the "why" gives clear purpose of what you do.

3 Questions

What sort of disruption has happened in your career that has spurred personal and professional growth?

Started my professional career in the US and later moving back to Asia enhanced my appreciation on subtle differences when exerting cross-cultural change management strategies on transformation initiatives.

What does human agility mean to you?

An evolving workforce model with agility to deploy and displace human resources more effectively and in line with changing business needs.

What excites you the most when you think about the future of work? Why?

Current and future technologies making communication seamless. We can virtually talk to anyone anywhere at any time on any device.


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