Joni Noel

SVP, RGP Healthcare & Private Equity

Years' Experience

Well known for bringing energy and new ideas. Passionate about transformative change, from technology and digital innovation.

Joni’s Perspective

Perfect storms can reveal what’s imperfect in any business. They may also be the best catalyst for real long-term change.

More About Joni

Since beginning her RGP career in 1999, Joni has worked with many of RGP’s healthcare and private equity clients across the country on a variety of transformational engagements. Prior to RGP, Joni was a Corporate Controller and is also an alumnus of Deloitte where she worked for eight years in audit and advisory services within healthcare companies. Beyond RGP, Joni currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees and Chair of the Nominating Committee for Kidsave International.


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