“Women hold up half the sky…”
Kate Duchene on RGP’s Paradigm for Parity Commitment

October 5, 2021
< 1 Minute Read

RGP’s commitment to Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) leadership was in the news with CEO Kate Duchene recently speaking with Paradigm for Parity® in their CEO Spotlight Series. Kate says the pandemic disproportionately impacted women and people of color and business needs to act — now.

It was a natural fit for RGP, says CEO Kate Duchene. In fact, decades ago, the company’s founder expressly created opportunities for female consultants to further their careers.

Fast forward to today, and it’s little surprise that all of the company’s senior leaders are women or a minority group member and that RGP last year enthusiastically joined the Paradigm for Parity coalition. The organization includes dozens of top corporate members from various industries and sectors and is committed to achieving full gender parity by 2030, as well as the near-term goal of women holding at least 30% of senior roles.

Paradigm featured Kate in their latest CEO Spotlight Series. In a wide-ranging Q&A, Kate discusses RGP’s decades-long commitment to gender equality while also focusing on how the COVID-19 pandemic has hit female professionals especially hard.

She adds that with many companies now adopting hybrid work models, it’s more important than ever that businesses focus on judging performance based on results, not presence, and that sponsors and mentors should be made available in the absence of face-to-face workforces and workplaces.

Read the full Q&A spotlight…

Women hold up half the sky — we represent half of the human population. Without a level playing field, we’re limiting what we can achieve and how fast we can achieve it.

Kate Duchene

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Kate Duchene

Chief Executive Officer
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