Tim Brackney Interviewed by Forbes on Post-Pandemic Work World

August 11, 2020
< 1 Minute Read

What does the “Now of Work” look like in a post-pandemic world?

RGP’s President & COO Tim Brackney was recently interviewed by Forbes’ Bonnie Marcus on the workforce—and workplace—of the future. He told Forbes that tomorrow’s post-pandemic work world will include more distributed teams using a blend of technology and in-person interactions and that location will matter less in a world where talent will increasingly be borderless.

Key to making all this work, he says, is developing the right culture. Brackney says companies will need to embrace technology—including its limitations—as well as make in-person connections much deeper and more meaningful. In this new “Now of Work,” successful company cultures will emphasize outcomes over process, empathy over authority, and be built on an environment of high-trust—a challenge as technology starts lessening many peoples’ face-to-face contact.


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