Building Greater Transparency and Visibility into Enterprise Projects

June 16, 2020
< 1 Minute Read

Client: Leading provider of building products and services for builders and contractors

To support our client’s long-term enterprise objectives, RGP re-engineered their Project Management Office (PMO) governance process and developed a custom-built digital tool, ensuring a more sustainable approach for project portfolio selection and management.

Our client’s PMO steering committee was eager to gain more visibility of the company-wide project portfolio and its alignment to the enterprise objectives, but they lacked a robust project selection process as well as a standard project management process and tracking tool.

What We Did

  • Mapped the existing PMO governance process and recommended improvements based on the project delivery approach of our Project Management Framework.
  • Designed and developed a Smartsheet-based project management tool to support our client’s PMO project selection, management and reporting processes, including automation of status reporting.
  • Created training assets to conduct company-wide deployment of the new governance process and tool.


  • Improved our client’s PMO maturity by establishing an enhanced PMO project management process and governance across the enterprise.
  • Delivered a turnkey digital tool for ongoing project management, improving process adherence, approval, tracking and reporting.
  • Increased efficiency and collaboration in project selection and management processes by using a highly collaborative, digital solution.
  • Significantly improved transparency and visibility of our client’s project portfolio at all levels of their organization.

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