Why RPA Is a Must-Have for CFOs of the Future

With business evolving at a breathtaking pace, finance leaders are under increasing pressure to optimize operations and deliver valuable business insights. See why automation is becoming a must-have tool for today’s CFO in this conversation with our VP of Finance Transformation, Andy Jones.

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A Letter from CEO Kate Duchene on COVID-19

Dear RGP Community, At a time when economic uncertainty reigns due to COVID-19, I want to be as transparent as possible with our investor community about what we know and how we’re managing through the pandemic. I’m pleased to share that our overall headline is both positive and steady: We provide an essential service and…

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Surviving COVID-19: Retail Recovery Strategies

The so-called “retail apocalypse” started long before the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic. But as the global pandemic prompted “stay at home” orders across the U.S., retailers temporarily shut down tens of thousands of stores and furloughed more than a million employees. As RGP VP of Restructuring & Bankruptcy Advisory Thora Thoroddsen writes in the April…

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Surviving the Crisis: Financial Health Assessment

Companies in hard-hit sectors like retail were reeling long before the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic only added to the pain they were feeling from the impact of e-commerce and other market disruptions. Now, the downward pressure has spread far and wide.

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Bloomberg Radio Interviews CEO Kate Duchene

RGP CEO, Kate Duchene, joined Bloomberg Radio to discuss new workforce strategies all leaders should be thinking about beyond COVID. Interviewers Carol Massar and Jason Kelly, questioned the future of human capital models and Kate shared her predictions about the short- and longer-term impacts on the workforce. Listen to the full 8-minute interview.

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How Business Agility Helps You Thrive in the Age of Disruption

To keep up with rapidly accelerating technology breakthroughs and rising customer expectations, business leaders need the agility to respond to constant change. Agile transformation is a bold move for any organization, but the sooner you begin, the sooner you will realize the benefits.

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