Tim Brackney Interviewed by Forbes on Post-Pandemic Work World

What does the “Now of Work” look like in a post-pandemic world? RGP’s President & COO Tim Brackney was recently interviewed by Forbes’ Bonnie Marcus on the workforce—and workplace—of the future. He told Forbes that tomorrow’s post-pandemic work world will include more distributed teams using a blend of technology and in-person interactions and that location…

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Closing the Books on the First Financial Close of the Pandemic

The financial close is a stressful time, even under ordinary circumstances. Getting through it in the midst of a pandemic—with everyone working remotely—would have been unimaginable. Now that we’ve done it a few times, what have we learned? And how can you be better prepared for next time?

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How to Build Culture for Blended Workplaces

In an Op-ed published by Human Resource Executive magazine, RGP Chief Operating Officer Tim Brackney writes that vibrant company cultures are needed for tomorrow’s post-COVID-19 blended workforces and workplaces to thrive: “As companies begin figuring out how to strike the right balance between office and home, and a workforce comprised of traditional employees, consultants and…

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policyIQ: Detail Reports

Detail reports are the baseline report type, from which other report options can be built. In this short training session, we’ll touch on the basics of policyIQ reporting by exploring how to create and customize a Detail Report on policyIQ pages.

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IMA Tulsa: M&A Transaction Trends

Join RGP Speakers Andy Jones,Vicky Fang and Rob Jett for a discussion on “The Virtual Close: Closing the Books While Sheltered in Place”. The financial close process for many companies is hard enough – without having to do so while working remotely. Learn how various organizations managed their first “virtual close” as Covid-19 restrictions spread throughout the US.

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TulsaHRC: Digital Automation

Join Mark Deutsch & Jen Jones from Veracity for a discussion on Digital Automation. Work is radically evolving in the 21st century. Learn strategies on how to optimize the way your employees work, keep them engaged and streamline processes that will ultimately improve the way your organization functions. 1 HRCI & SHRM credit.

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