Fortune Interview: CEO Kate Duchene Calls for ‘Radical Flexibility’

June 1, 2021
< 1 Minute Read

As summer begins, many companies are planning their return-to-work strategies but there’s also an appetite among many employees to lighten the load. RGP CEO Kate Duchene says radical flexibility is needed when planning the “now of work” this season.

With Memorial Day now behind us, Summer 2021 has officially begun. But it will likely be a season like no other in recent memory. On one hand, mass vaccinations are making return-to-office work a viable option for the first time in over a year. On the other hand, the pace and pressures of the last months have caused many to question what their immediate priorities should be as a new season begins.

Fortune Magazine correspondent S. Mitra Kalita writes that maybe it’s time for a real break this summer. “As we return to old ways, here’s a plea: Let’s not,” she says. “Slow down, ask less of each other, and, perhaps if you can, take some real time off.”

Interviewed for the article, RGP CEO Kate Duchene agrees: “The reality is that work-life balance has given way to work-life blending over the past 15 months, and many of us need time away.” She adds that “radical flexibility in planning return-to-work scenarios this summer” is needed more than ever as companies navigate the coming “now of work,” which will likely be a hybrid of in-person and work-from-home.

Meet The Team

Kate's Portrait

Kate Duchene

Chief Executive Officer

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